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martes, 9 de febrero de 2016

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Todo humor grafico picante 22,chistes verdes para que sigas riendo un ratito que tengas un buen dia

According to the announcement of the 100 days of the HRD ministry program Honorable Minister of Human Resources Development, a new policy for distance education in the higher education sector it has been prepared.
1. As to the inlet 66 of Schedule 1 of the Seventh Framework Programme of the Indian Constitution, the Parliament is competent to make laws for the coordination and determination of standards in institutions of higher education for research, and scientific and technical institutions. Parliament has passed laws to fulfill this responsibility by: the University Grants Commission (UGC) for higher education in general, Indian Council for Technical Education (AICTE) for Technical Education; and other statutory bodies of other disciplines. With regard to higher education through distance learning education, law Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) 1985 was enacted the following two main objectives include: (a) Provide opportunities for higher education for a large segment the population, especially disadvantaged groups living in remote and rural areas, adults, housewives and working people; and (b) promoting the Open and Distance University Education System in the educational level of the country and coordinate and determine the standards for such systems.
2. The history of distance education or education through distance learning in India dates back when universities began offering education through distance learning, on behalf of correspondence courses through its Directorate / School of Correspondence Education. In those days the courses of humanities and / or trade through correspondence were offered and taken by those who, due to various reasons, including the limited number of seats on scheduled courses, employability, problems of access institutions of higher education and so on., could not get yourself enrolled in conventional “programs of its kind” “face to face.
3. In the recent past, the demand for higher education has increased dramatically across the country due to the awareness of the importance of higher education, while the higher education system could not accommodate this growing demand.
4. In the circumstances, a number of institutions, including universities considered, private universities, public universities (government) and even other institutions which have no power to award degrees, began to take on the situation by offering education programs the distance a large number of disciplines, ranging from humanities to engineering and management, etc., and at different levels (certified for under-graduate and post-graduate). There is always the danger that some of these institutions may become `sub-standard education / poor quality of supply of degree mills’, thus undermining the credibility of degrees and other qualifications issued through mode from distance. This requires a greater degree of coordination between police authorities interested UGC, AICTE and IGNOU and authority – the Council for Distance Education (December).
5. Government of India has clarified its position on the recognition of qualifications obtained through distance learning, employment under it vide Gazette Notification No. 44 dated 01/03/1995.
6. Despite the risks referred to in paragraph 4, the importance of distance education in the provision of quality education and training can not be ignored. Distance mode of education has an important role in:
(I) provide learning opportunities for those who do not have direct access to face-to-face teaching, workers, housewives, etc.
(Ii) provide opportunities for working professionals to update their knowledge, allowing them to transition to the new disciplines and professions and improve their qualifications for career advancement.
(Iii) exploiting the potential of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in teaching and learning; Y
(Iv) the objective of 15% of GERD Plan by the end of 11 and 20% by the end of the 12th Five Year Plan.
7. In order to fulfill the constitutional responsibility to establish and maintain standards of higher education, ensuring coordination between the various regulatory legal authorities and to ensure the development of open and distance education system learning the country to meet the aspirations of all people of the -Sections Cruz for higher education, the following policy on distance learning provides:
(A) In order to ensure effective coordination in the regulation of standards of higher education in different disciplines through various modes [ie, face to face and distance], and to ensure the credibility of degrees / diplomas and certificates issued by Indian universities and other schools a major organ, namely the National Commission for Higher Education and Research will be established in accordance with the recommendations of Prof. Yash Pal / Committee of the National Knowledge Commission. The Standing Committee of Open and Distance
Education of this Committee, to carry out the coordination, determination and maintenance of standards of education through distance mode. Pending the creation of this body:
(I) Only those programs that do not involve extensive hands-on, of course, be allowed through the distance mode.
(Ii) universities / institutions must frame decrees / regulations / standards, as the case may be, explaining the outline of the programs offered through distance mode, indicating the number of credits required, course credits list assigned reading references, as well as self-learning materials, hours of study, contact sessions in the study centers, papers, exams and assessment process, classification, etc.
(Iii) December IGNOU can only assess the competence of the university / institute in the field of distance education programs of driving by a team of experts, whose report should be placed before the Council in December for consideration.
(Iv) Approval is given only after examination by the December Council and not by the President, in December this purpose, the minimum number of mandatory meetings of December may be prescribed.
(V) AICTE would be directed under section 20 (1) of the AICTE Act 1987 to ensure the accreditation of programs in Computer Science, Technology and Information Management proposed offered by a college / university through mode distance, the National Council for Accreditation (NBA).
(Vi) be directed UGC and AICTE under Article 20 (1) of their respective acts to frame detailed regulations prescribing patterns for different programs / courses offered through distance mode under its mandate,
(Vii) No university / institute, but universities established by or under an Act of / the Legislature of the Parliament before 1985, should provide a program through distance mode from now, without the approval of the DEC and NBA accreditation. However, the universities / institutions offering courses and Humanities, Commerce / Business / Social Sciences / Computer Science and Technology and Information Management, will be allowed to continue, provided to obtain fresh approval in December and Accreditation NBA within one year, failing which they will have to stop the program and all liability with respect to the academic career and financial losses of the students enrolled with them, must be in such institutions / universities.
(Viii) In the light of the observation of the Apex Court, approval ex-post-facto granted by any authority of the distance should not be honored and awarded from now. However, the universities established by or under an act of education programs in Humanities / Trade flows Sciences / Social before 1991 are excluded from this policy.
(Ix) Students who have obtained degrees through distance learning in universities without prior approval in December and other statutory bodies, should be given an opportunity, if they meet the requirement of minimum standards as prescribed by the UGC , AICTE or other relevant legal authority by regulation, to appear in exams in college documents as determined appointed to conduct the examination. If these students qualify this exam, the University shall issue a certificate. The degree to that rating certificate can be recognized for the purpose of working / promoting in the Central Government.
(X) clarification be issued with reference to the Gazette Notification No. 44 dated 01/03/1995 that do not apply to the degrees / diplomas awarded by universities established by or under an Act of Parliament or State Legislature before 1985 flows Humanities / Social Sciences and Commerce.
(Xi) policy initiatives contained in the following paragraphs shall also apply to educational institutions that offer distance / intention to offer distance education.
(B) All universities and institutions that offer programs through distance mode should need recognition / approval to offer such programs and accreditation of the designated competent authority shall, in relation to the programs offered by them. Violators will be responsible for appropriate sanctions under the law. Universities / institutions offering education through distance mode and found involved in cheating students / people by giving wrong / false information or intentionally delete will also be treated in strict accordance with the penal provisions of the law information.
(C) universities / institutes must have their own centers of study of face-to-face advice and the elimination of difficulties, but also to seek other forms of academic and administrative assistance. Franchise distance education at any university, public or private institutions should not be allowed.
(D) universities / institutions only offer these programs through distance learning offered at its campuses through the conventional way. In the case of open universities you must also have the necessary services and schools before offering relevant programs through the distance mode.
(E) It would be compulsory for all universities offer distance learning educational institutions to use information and communication technology (ICT) and the delivery of its programs, management of student and university affairs through a portal website or any other platform. This platform will always be displayed in the public domain, information and other regulatory approvals, together with other necessary information about the programs offered through distance learning, accreditation and student enrollment, wise years, etc. This may be linked to a national database, as and when created, to facilitate stakeholders to take a position on the recognition of qualifications for the purpose of academic or occupational functioning with / beneath them.
(F) All institutions / education universities should optimize the use of e-learning content for delivery / programs through distance mode. Should also be encouraged / required to adopt technology and surveillance of clean, fair and transparent reviews.
(G) The focus of distance education should be to provide educational opportunities for educationally disadvantaged people in situations like living in remote and rural areas, adults with little or no access to education of their choice, etc.
(H) To promote flexibility and learning needs, based on the credit system based election is promoted and all ode institutions should be encouraged to adopt this system and develop a mechanism of acceptance and transfer of course credits successfully completed by students face to face or distance mode. To this end, the creation of a bank loan can be considered. Similarly, conventional universities, offering face to face and to encourage programs to accept credits earned by students through distance learning. A semi-annual system to switch will be essential.
(I) The convergence of education services face to face universities conventionally with his / wings correspondence course addresses distance education as well as universities / institutions offering open and distance education, compulsory in to close the gap in the distance and conventional face -to-face form of education.

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